For the second time in a row, the current holders of the adult World Cup, Germany, won the youth competition.
In addition, at the end of the show, one additional number was drawn; the holder of that number won $50.
The largest jackpot prize pool to date was £42,008,610 on 6 January 1996, where the anonymous holders of three separate tickets each won £14,002,870.
In this way the playing goes on, till all the cards are turned, when, as before stated, the holder of the best trump, whether by purchase or otherwise, wins the pool.
The drawn tickets are checked against a collection of prizes with numbers attached to them, and the holder of the ticket wins the prize.
Hence the holder of that particular bond will have won the 'lottery'.
Two-time Olympic gold medalist, world champion and former world-record holder in the 1,500-m freestyle Kieren Perkins won in 1992.
Record holder, Cuba, has won 25 out of 39 matches.
Wicklewood has a local cricket team that participates in various Sunday League matches and was the holder of the Wicklewood Shield trophy won in 2006.
The holder of the winning flush wins the stakes of all the other players, including those who dropped, but excluding those holding either Pam or a lower flush.