Nevertheless, holders pay for the extra yield by giving up access to their money, so investors should be comfortable with a long holding period.
Youth (under 26) and student-card holders pay about 10% less.
Nearly all season-ticket holders pay $350 a seat per season.
Make a receipt to the effect that the holder of this receipt has paid you the amount mentioned, as a retainer.
The coupon is the interest rate that the holder pays to the issuer.
Unlike the other passes, it is for second-class travel, and holders must pay fast-train surcharges.
In this type of policy, the holder pays a huge one-time-only premium up front, earning large dividends almost immediately.
The holders of costly stocks - say, 100 shares of a $75 equity - would pay $101.50 in fees using the relevant Schwab formula.
The exchange sets the additional margin requirement at $2, which the holder of a long position pays as collateral in her margin account.
The holder cannot cash the cheque, but only pay it in to a bank account, or savings bank, or assign it to a third party.