They are sold at $400 and holders of the $300 monthly pass can continue to enjoy the $300 / month offer.
And in today's strong rental market, many holders of unsold units continue to rent them.
By 2012 holders of 6% of the debt continued to hold out; the hold-outs continue to put pressure on the government, most recently having an Argentine Navy ship seized in Ghana.
The card is valid for six months, after which time it is renewed if the holder continues to be in receipt of the payment for which the card was granted.
The holder of the office did however continue to be styled as "Your excellency", until 1974 when the new Instrument of Government came into force.
EMT-Intermediate/99 (no new licenses granted at this level since 2002, however previous holders can continue to renew theirs)
All holders of those titles (who were not disqualified for some reason) continued to have seats until the reforms of composition after 1997.
On some occasion a former holder of an official position continues to carry out an informal diplomatic activity after retirement.
If the existing holder continues to renew his domain name, the option-holder will never get the domain through the procedure.
"But the deficit was only the last straw for many traders in a week that saw Japanese holders of Treasury paper continue to be net sellers," he added.