The holders of each ticket also chose the cash option.
But given Mr. Riklis's previous tough dealing with bondholders, it is possible that some holders will choose to take it.
As a result, holders of the new rights of use may choose to provide any service capable of being delivered using 2.6 GHz spectrum.
Because commercial property is typically more expensive than residential, many account holders are choosing to become part of private investment syndicates, Mr. Anderson said.
For the call option, the holder chooses to exercise at the point when the underlying asset price is at its highest level.
For the put option, the holder chooses to exercise at the underlying asset's lowest price.
The holder of Porirua, Graham Kelly chose to become a list MP.
If any holders of Griffin Resorts paper choose not to convert, they will lose the collateral backing up those securities, the company said.
These titles have remained united since; most holders have chosen to be known as Lord Stanley of Alderley.
It can certainly be argued that the previous holder of the office chose advisors who had fairly drastic effects on policy priorities and goals.