Business in the United States slowed as a result, and holders of bank notes began to redeem them for specie.
Then, as the holder of the scroll began to read the strange document, his curiosity got the better of him.
Thus began a long association of Australian Champions who were either contestants in, or actual holders of, the World Title.
Because Beckman had signed loans in the archdiocese's name, it led to financial difficulties for the archdiocese when the holders of the notes began demanding repayment.
Its major holder of unsold shares has begun to benefit from the stronger rental market.
Soon the holders of the notes began demanding repayment.
When someone sells assets in tax-deferred retirement plans, the capital gains that would otherwise be taxable are deferred until the holder begins to cash out of the retirement plan.
In 1694, its then-current holder, Augustus the Strong, began to expand it, resulting in a second courtyard and a total of 700 rooms.
When large holders of a thinly traded stock begin to sell, their mere presence in the market can drive down the value of their shares.
The holders began booing from the cart as they jumped down, clubs raised threateningly.