Well this cotter pin, that held the steering mechanism together down underneath the auto, where there was no chance of seeing it, had fallen out.
It got quite bad after a while and I had to hold hot towels underneath him to get the blood moving.
Strength and power held the road underneath the banner of the sun.
I got to the plate and stomped on it hard, holding my cone underneath the funnel.
Liz held the envelope underneath the nearest spotlight to read.
Hold your right glove underneath your chin with the wrist towards you.
Some rings, while advertised as and having the appearance of tension rings, in fact have a bridge holding the ring together underneath the jewel.
A lay person will hold the deck with the fingers all underneath or down the side.
Hold your legs together and hold the wrapped candy closely underneath them with both hands while you unwrap it by feel.
Galen got up and walked the dripping cup into the kitchen, one hand held underneath it to keep from leaving a trail of tea behind.