Vinegar, a major component, is held in containers the size of water heaters.
A commitment to spend down the transportation trust funds now being held to mask the true size of the Federal deficit were banished.
It is so large that even a Ladeshian duke can hold an estate the size of Cenaria.
The smaller size could hold 10-15 people and the larger size 15-20 people.
It would still be large enough to hold 1,300,000 objects the size of our sun.
There aren't enough knees in the whole of Britain even today to take and hold a multi-million city the size of Birmingham.
The stalks can be cut back in late spring to hold the final size of the plants to five feet.
Iraqi prisoners being held for prolonged periods in cells the size of large dog kennels.
The gravitation is strong enough to hold twenty planets the size of Jupiter.
There were other holds the size of monster warehouses.