Trip Core is played with the Wii Remote controller held sideways.
This particular savant can also read writing held upside down or sideways.
The game is played with the Wii Remote held sideways.
Instead, a closed fist held sideways (thumb at the top) with the thumb pointing the direction is used.
The game uses a Wii Remote held sideways.
His playing was influenced by his polio-affected left arm, which he held sideways over the keyboard.
You can play with the Wiimote and Nunchuk, or just the Wiimote held sideways.
The game is played using with the Wii Remote held sideways or held upright to simulate an arcade joystick.
In Galicia, the word may refer to a wooden fife-like instrument held sideways.
Gabool's sword, held sideways deflecting the blows, seemed to quaver for one desperate moment.