By late 2003 B-huts, 18-by-36-foot structures made of plywood designed to hold eight troops, were replacing the standard shelter option for troops.
The house can hold 23 troops, and there is space in the area around the house for additional tents.
It is small, not being able to hold more than 200 troops at a time.
Behind the turret is the troop compartment that holds six troops, the seventh sits just behind the driver.
At the same time, the Americans are building at least four semi-permanent military bases that could hold 18,000 troops each.
Moreover, Mercy held both Rantzau and seven thousand French troops captive.
The camp is to eventually hold about 600 troops mainly working at getting supplies and help to the refugees in the hills.
Deciding to believe the latter, the force stopped while they refit the steamers to hold more troops.
Rebuilt again six years later by d'Oisel it held some 500 French troops.
Despite increased pressure which was immediately applied by the Germans on all sides of the pocket, the British lines held and more troops were evacuated.