The house has two floors and holds eighteen residents.
The apartment building held almost five hundred residents, and was designed in an unusual U-shape that allowed for a central courtyard.
The Avco Community Developer in 1969 continued the plan, which by then held 6,500 residents.
In 2005 the University opened two on-campus housing buildings, able to hold 400 residents and 8 resident assistants (one per floor).
These areas may hold as many as 180,000 residents who lack basic services, and cause grave ecological damage.
The house can hold 36 residents and has always been co-ed.
The district is crowded, holding approximately 610,000 residents.
The estate holds approximately 2000 residents and is one of the largest suburban housing estates in Waterford.
The expanded complex of buildings can hold 155 residents, and was at 71% capacity in October 2010.
If it cannot find a buyer, it plans to turn much of the forest into a virtual city that could hold 35,000 residents and 20,000 workers.