The fake dam was 125 feet long and held 12,000 gallons of water.
It also filled bombs designated R-400, which hold 20 gallons each.
So the spare, which holds only 500 gallons, must be filled every two or three days at this time of year.
The size of the dam was enlarged in 1911 to hold about 2 million gallons.
It measures 115,000 square feet and holds more than 1 million gallons of water.
The reservoir can hold 15 billion gallons and is expected to be full this fall.
Those three tanks hold about 15 million gallons of crude.
The gas tank alone holds more than 1,000 gallons of fuel.
It is 134 feet high and holds 200,000 gallons of water in a steel tank.
The dam holds back four and a half billion gallons of water.