It is divided into ten scenes and each scene holds two characters (always male and female) and their sexual encounter.
A 36-bit word holds six 6-bit characters, and a character string consists of a number of consecutive words.
If his system included a hard disk drive at all, it was likely to hold 20 million characters.
A 24-bit word could hold four 6-bit characters.
Each player is given a card, each card holds 9 characters - no two cards are the same.
The table across from me holds three characters.
That was 10 million characters at a time when floppy disks held 360 thousand characters.
Now computers with hard disks holding 20 or 30 million characters feel cramped.
The database had a capacity of 1200 fields, which could each hold 124 characters.
The highest of these can hold 35 numeric characters.