Originally a market appears to have been held near the original town (then village) centre, on land beside The Causeway.
But the Chelsea owner has decided to hold his party on land, as he did last year.
Licences are also required for outdoor musical performances that are wholly or mainly held in the open air and on private land.
When it was first found, scientists thought that Apatosaurus lived partly under water, since it could not hold its own weight on dry land.
Things got kind of crazy, so they're holding it on private land.
All fairs since 1952 have been held at the current location, on land which the association originally leased from the University of Alaska.
Horse races are also said to been held on land now part of Chorlton Park in the 16th century.
With an existing home, he said, the lender provides money to the borrower and holds a mortgage on the house and land as collateral.
The tenets of the sea are much different than those held on land, eh?
The festival was held on land which was part of the Hradiště Military Region.