The sudden force on the water drop is greater than the force holding molecules together.
He has constructed a molecular-scale snipping apparatus, used to hold molecules and modify their chemical arrangement.
Fat emulsions hold molecules of taste, sending flavor all over.
These motions are resisted by the forces holding the atoms and molecules of the substance together.
The power crystals used a charge field to hold molecules in a state of high-order flexion which permitted tremendous energy to be stored by the crystals.
Covalent bonds are the ones that hold molecules together.
The relatively weak hydrogen bonds on which the replication process is based work like zippers that can temporarily hold molecules in place and then release them.
Eventually the expansion will be so rapid as to overcome the electromagnetic forces holding molecules and atoms together.
Electrical forces are basic to the system, being attributes of the sub-atomic particles, and it is electrical attraction which holds together the atoms and molecules.
That happens because the forces that hold non polar molecules together are mostly weak.