The 85km of shelving in the Vatican's Secret Archives holds manuscripts and publications accumulated over more than 800 years.
He walked over to a section where binders held manuscripts, but he did not reach out and touch one.
The museum also holds other rare ancient manuscripts and displays The Aleppo Codex.
In the library holds mediaeval manuscripts, among them the biblical manuscripts: 360, 361.
At William Foyle's death in 1963, Beeleigh's library held 4,000 books and manuscripts.
In the library holds mediaeval manuscripts, among them the biblical manuscripts: 581, 582.
The library holds books and periodicals, manuscripts, musical scores, pictures and maps.
The library also holds bible manuscripts as part of the Isaac Foot Collection.
The archive and library, at that time still run as a single entity, were chosen to hold all books and manuscripts.
San Marco in Florence holds several manuscripts that are thought to be entirely or partly by his hand.