There have been numerous other expressions of discontent within Fatah, which is just holding its first general congress in two decades.
Fresh violence may erupt next month as the country holds its first multiparty elections in four decades.
Last month, the military junta held the first elections in two decades, though...
It has been three months since Bulgaria, following the lead of its Eastern European neighbors, held its first free elections in more than four decades.
Indonesia held its first free general election in four decades in 1999, a year after President Suharto was ousted from office.
Burma held elections last year for the first time in two decades, replacing military rule with a military-backed civilian administration.
With just eight months to go before the country holds its first elections in two decades, the infighting is sure to get worse and more violent.
Next month, Haiti is supposed to hold its first free presidential election in three decades.
Burma held its first elections in two decades a year ago - polls which saw military rule replaced with a military-backed civilian-led government.
Ten weeks before this country holds its first free elections in more than four decades, the outcome is a tossup.