Today's election, held in closed session at the Academy's headquarters near the Lincoln Memorial, chose 61 new members and 15 foreign associates.
Institute members are reminded that Institute Council meetings will be held in open session from 7 October.
People often are tried in courts held in closed session and denied the right of appeal to a higher court.
The secret session came about after a motion to hold all impeachment deliberations in open session was defeated.
He held the provincial assembly in session for six months, relocating it twice, in an unsuccessful attempt to force the issue.
Apart from which of course, that everything we say is being held in public session in any event.
As the working party suggested, a section of the Council meeting dealing with private Institute business was held in closed session.
Elections for all positions are held in second session.
Guede opted for a fast-track trial, held in closed session with no reporters present.
Governing Body meetings are held weekly in closed session.