Only two Englishmen still held large estates directly from the King.
Henceforth the Justices of the Forest were for the most part great barons, who often held extensive estates in or near the forests they administered.
For 251 years, under Danish rule, the islands developed as sugar growing, slave holding estates.
He was probably born in Ceredigion, where his father held extensive estates.
The chief historic family connected with this county were the Cromwells, who held considerable estates in the 16th century.
Upon his death, Barne left a will which revealed that he had been financially successful, holding land and estates in several countries.
Feudal obligations, by which knights held castles and estates in exchange for service, provided troops on a 40 day basis.
By the late 1600s, more than two-thirds of farmers in the colony held estates worth less than £100.
Qasim's father held large feudal estates in Alexandria and Kurdistan.
We held wide estates, owned factories, farms, a fifth of the wealth of the planet was ours.