Outside of it, he holds dominion over everything on any given Monday.
Night, like a giant, fills the church, from pavement to roof, and holds dominion through the silent hours.
She held dominion over the West, but there were others in her family as well.
For he was, surely, in a land where they who worked magic held dominion over all their fellows.
But it wasn't only the team over which Chapman held dominion.
I know that the goal of the Confessors is to protect people, not to simply hold dominion.
Out the window, a stark white moon held total dominion over a flat sea of cloud caps.
She held dominion over the Persian Gulf and all the animals within.
"My father was quite wealthy in his own way and when we were born he held dominion over a sizable piece of land."
"One of those who held dominion here before my blood came to High Hallack."