It also said that the United States may have used a center near Kabul to hold those "disappeared" detainees.
Later, she was moved to the Red 1 compound, specially built to prevent riots and to hold rowdy detainees.
Detention and rendition The Bush administration claims the right to hold detainees in the war on terror for the duration of the conflict.
The school at Konjević Polje was used to hold detainees before execution.
Eight rooms will be outfitted as maximum segregation areas, to hold especially dangerous or disruptive detainees.
"We are making preparations to hold detainees there," Mr. Rumsfeld told reporters.
But now, no matter the outcome of those hearings, the government can continue to hold detainees by filing forms in one business day.
It has 464 beds to hold detainees, primarily for violations of immigration laws, from federal authorities.
The Buffalo police have prepared for the worst, setting up an armory to hold detainees in the event of mass arrests.
The Cornell Companies, based in Texas, currently operates two centers that hold detainees.