Anchoring-type junctions not only hold cells together but provide tissues with structural cohesion.
Yet another holds cells from the couple's 12-year-old niece, who has no symptoms but who has two siblings with the psychologically crippling disorder.
Holding cells lacked toilet facilities, requiring detainees to use a slop bucket.
Plus a couple of holding cells.
Liquid nitrogen temperature will hold cells in near-perfect stasis for thousands of years.
Holding cells for women are separate from that of the men separated by a hallway.
Police holding cells are also notoriously porous.
A.Ts holding cells a shapeshifter called Mr. White had been imprisoned.
Holding cells for 115 prisoners were hastily built behind courtrooms on the seventh and ninth floors of the Civil Court building.
Yousef was held for 72 hours and repeatedly interrogated, but INS holding cells were overcrowded.