Šalata used to be a village where farmers used to hold cattle and produce dairy products for the farmers' market in the city.
Most of the population held cattle and farmed the fields.
Fairfax stands surrounded by warriors with their spears, women holding their children, cattle and goats jostling; the music rises.
Midway along, near the south wall, a corral held nearly half a hundred horses; another beside it held cattle and oxen.
Next to this corral was another that, by the sound and smell of it, held the oxen and cattle.
Victoria County holds more cattle than any other county in Texas.
The farm holds sheep, cattle and some horses.
In 1949, a farm was built in Longyearbyen to hold cattle for milk, pigs and hens.
"We'd heard of it from some Cherokees who held cattle there."
This was to make room to build stalls to hold cattle.