Ohio State will hold a moment of silence for Schembechler before the game.
Fitch, who held a 90-minute meeting with the team before the game, saw some other encouraging signs.
Fortunately for Franco, the ceremony to commemorate his 300th career save was held before the game.
Marshall University held a memorial service a few hours before the game.
This was the repartee yesterday when the two amigos held a joint news conference before the game.
To make the day easier, the shoot-arounds will be held in the late afternoon, before the game, rather than in the morning.
As always, a skills competition will be held the night before the game, on Saturday night.
Hernandez, though, saw the turning point as a comment made by Dave Johnson in a meeting the manager held with the players before the game.
Teams often hold meetings before the first game of a series, but this was the second game.
The Blue Jays, who held a team meeting before the game, have lost four straight and seven of nine.