There were four championship races held at the event, featuring senior and junior races for men and women.
It has been one of the sports held at the event since the inaugural edition in 1989.
Auctions are held at the event as well; pigeons have sold for up to £10,000 at the event.
Holding a speech at the event, he reminded the gathering of ".
The 2012 award show will also be held at October 19th at the same event.
One of the biggest independent shows ever held in the United States, over 15 independent promotions were held at the event.
Ten races are held at the event for athletes of varying abilities.
In addition to the tournament, several other matches were held at the event.
Several other matches were held at the event in addition to the tournament.
The four track sampler concentrated on the group's history and contained a seminar that they held at the 2002 event.