I held my breath along with Jake when he crept up the steps to peer through the screen.
It is holding its annual meeting here along with the World Bank.
He propped one foot up inside the canoe to hold it along with his bad hand, and gave her the stick.
It held the three questions, along with the diagram that showed the neighborhood of the rifled bank.
Green couldn't hold it, along with the Jets' last best chance.
At present, three federal agencies hold responsibility for seafood safety, along with the administration of each state.
The cartridge he had been holding along with the coin lay at the base of the door, on the sand.
It held all the various offices of the administration, along with several labs.
He held that post until 1972, along with many other corporate directorships.
They were the ones who held history in their hands, along with the control of Israel's nuclear forces and strategic defense.