The film currently holds a score of 93% based on 238 reviews.
Although the mess held just a half score of small wooden tables, he was the only officer there.
Defense officials said the base is being readied to hold scores if not hundreds of new prisoners.
The game currently holds a score of 53/100 on Metacritic.
Rotten Tomatoes currently holds a 36% score of this film.
The show holds a Metacritic score of 72/100, based on 16 reviews.
The racks held a score of thing like bulky rifles.
In the year before the 1996 election, the President held scores of coffees for donors and other political supporters.
The game has been met with mixed reviews, holding a score of 58 on Metacritic.
It holds a score of 70/100 on a similar website Metacritic.