"If there are any other chambers like that first one, my lord, it could hold a substantial percentage of our people."
From that time Morton Hall has been developing as a prison holding a high percentage of foreign nationals.
In 1938, the spoken shows held a percentage of 22.37%, and the music shows 52.32%.
Indeed, men held a slightly higher percentage of the jobs in the industry last year compared with the level in 1999.
He also realizes that she wants to create a fake cyberattack on the bank, which holds a large percentage of the nation's debt.
The cases, however, could hold only a small percentage of the glass and china pieces; the rest was sold in a yard sale.
Banks would hold only a small percentage of their assets in the form of cash reserves as insurance against bank runs.
Sunni Arab politicians hold only a tiny percentage of seats, and there are concerns that they might be ignored in the new government.
One or two leading arbitragers were believed to hold a substantial percentage of the total.
Canada is the second largest country in the world and holds a large percentage of the fresh water found on the planet.