Mrs. Macallan lifted her hand, and showed me a telegraphic dispatch which she had hitherto kept concealed in the folds of her dress.
There was an unceremonious directness, a searching, decided steadfastness in his gaze now, which told that intention, and not diffidence, had hitherto kept it averted from the stranger.
'Here,' answered the queen, bringing forward the girl, whom she had hitherto kept in the background.
The excitement of these last manoeuvres had somewhat interfered with the watch I had kept hitherto, sharply enough, upon the coxswain.
The center of Paris had hitherto kept its medieval urban fabric composed mainly of narrow streets where traffic was difficult and hygiene was poor.
The Times, which had hitherto kept a dignified silence on such a distasteful subject, pronounced itself well-pleased with the modified outcome.
The crowd waved to and fro, and a deep murmur crept gathering over the silence which they had hitherto kept.
---he concluded, loosening the hold which he had hitherto kept upon the Saxon's tunic.
The Jovian led the way onward in proud silence, but it was to be noticed that thereafter he doubled the distance he had hitherto kept between himself and them.