The magazine, which has not been named yet, will hit newsstands next spring with 850,000 copies.
The first issue of the magazine hit newsstands in March 2003.
For the answers, you'll have to wait until the full program guide hits newsstands, on September 14th.
The third issue, dated Jan. 5, hits newsstands later this week.
A new magazine - Married Woman - is set to hit newsstands next month.
The magazine, which will hit newsstands next spring, will cover issues related to spirituality, community, family, relationships and work, among other topics.
They will appear in the third annual issue, due to hit newsstands Oct. 7.
Actually, the owner took Fortune's criticism to heart and tightened the seat soon after the review hit newsstands.
He first expressed a strong desire to direct a film version of the story in January 1996, months before the first issue hit newsstands.
Subsequently, five institutions below the cutoff made it onto the final list, and then were removed several weeks after the rankings hit newsstands.