The two hits before it will keep me up all night.
Though the hits keep coming, video enters autumn with other concerns.
While that's a great career move and likely to create lots of interest among dorky record collectors, you need a hit to keep making records.
And the hits just keep on happening, leading to the inevitable question: Who's in charge there?
Yet with some ups and downs, the hits kept coming.
But in the current music business, you're considered an artist exactly as long as the hits keep coming.
More hits on the R&B charts kept the group going until their change in the late 1980s.
However, when you are responsible for programmes with budgets of $36m, it is imperative that the hits keep coming too.
A hit kept the experiment going: "Caravan," from 1936, the first and very widely heard version of it.
The albums and the hits may keep coming but the show is over.