None of them ever had to hit 30 in a 144-game season.
Before 1996, two players hit 50 home runs in a season three times.
Still, no current Met has hit more than 22 home runs in a season.
The team then hit bottom in the 1998-99 season, when it started 0-19.
Never before had four major league teams hit 200 in the same season.
He set the school record for being hit by a pitch the most times in a season.
The long ball is nothing new for the A's, who hit 199 home runs in the regular season.
Aaron never hit more than 47 home runs in a season.
Sosa has never been hit more than six times in a season.
Bonds, who at the age of 37 has shocked everyone, then was asked if he could hit 50 home runs in a season.