They are eager to avoid a repetition of the crisis that hit Europe in the 1980's and 1990's.
We saw this in the opposite direction after the plague hit Europe and with the post-war baby boom; populations recovered quickly.
Just over 30,000 deaths also occurred in 2003, when another heat wave hit Europe.
Despite the waves of pestilence that hit Europe in the 14th century, the city continued to grow mainly due to immigration from the surrounding countryside.
Only once since accurate records began in 1851 has an actual hurricane with full tropical characteristics hit Europe.
He's also got emerging markets to target, obviously growing more impressively than a moribund, crisis hit Europe.
We regret the large number of extensive forest fires and floods that have hit Europe.
During this serious economic crisis which has hit Europe and affected all the Member States, housing problems are now even worse.
However, as soon as the consequences of the financial crisis hit Europe, the situation deteriorated drastically.
He finally gets to go to Europe and he's not even hitting Europe.