During the first Bush administration, conservative education experts set up a national committee to develop solid history standards.
That she did not always meet this obligation is clear from the history standards she funded but now attacks.
The movement to develop voluntary national standards has been jeopardized by the history standards.
It is not as if I am the only one critical of the history standards.
One has only to remember the recent debate over history standards to shudder at the prospect of national tests.
National reading scores and history standards suggest that the general public might never get wind of this newly realistic Revolution, much less digest it.
In 1995, for example, the Senate rejected proposed history standards by a vote of 99 to 1.
Do classroom tests and assessments match national, state and local history standards?
Recently, advocates of more demanding history standards have gained ground.
The council said states, districts, professional organizations and others should develop examples for teachers as a separate supplement to revised history standards.