If history repeats, she said, after a correction in one quarter, small stocks will rally by more than their large counterparts.
This time I head that way right off and the window's just the way we left it so history repeats and we're inside holding our noses.
But now, my friend, history repeats," he said of the terror attacks.
If history repeats, stocks have further to fall.
And if recent history repeats, someone is going to score 40 points.
She kept thinking that they were tied to the past, that history repeats, that you leam from what has gone before.
So, for these reasons and others, the Phillies will show up, if only to see if history repeats.
If history repeats, they know that the winter season will bring, like clockwork, worsening symptoms of depression.
They say history repeats, don't they?
Funny how history repeats.