Proponents of the measure say Nicaragua's history of dynastic rule makes such an exclusion necessary if democracy is to be guaranteed.
Even their governments were similar, each featuring a long history of predominantly military rule.
His nation had known nothing but a tangled history of tribal conflict, European colonialism, monarchy and military rule.
But because of its location on the border, Luboml has a long history - dating back to the 11th century - of changing rule.
Palestine's history of rule by many different empires is reflected in Palestinian cuisine, which has benefited from various cultural contributions and exchanges.
Cambodia, like many of its neighbors, had no pre-colonial history or conception of constitution and rule of law.
Countries like Czechoslovakia, with a firm democratic tradition, face fewer perils than others with a history of autocratic or dictatorial rule.
And it offers a fascinating look at a Western-educated politician promoting democracy in an Islamic country with a history of military rule.
The history of British rule connects both lands.
Given the sordid history of past military rule in Nigeria, this is a dangerous accommodation.