"It's got a history of good growth, but it appears to be slowing," she said.
In fact, given the company's long history of profitable growth, there seemed to be little reason to change.
Paris was by far the largest city with 220,000 people in 1547 and a history of steady growth.
Given the history of high-tech growth, they could have 5,000 or more employees in another year or so.
The history of growth in the area can be timed back to the turn of the century.
Several photo albums kept in the prayer hall record the entire history of the temple's construction and growth.
United States Bakery has a long history of growth through acquisition.
But some analysts said Compaq's history of rapid growth since offering its first personal computers in 1982 might be over.
The business may have a history of steady growth.
"This county has a history of growth with little planning," he said.