An association of history enthusiasts, it has established Rome's first gladiator school.
A trip of the museum is a must to Philippine history enthusiasts and is included with the admission.
"I am a bit of a history enthusiast myself," he said.
The site had vanished from modern maps and was essentially lost to history until the local history enthusiasts made their discoveries.
In the early 2000s it has been the subject of a dispute between the foundation which owns it and local history enthusiasts.
In 1913, after a fire gutted the dilapidated structure, plans for a larger church building on the site were blocked by a group of history enthusiasts.
Founded in the late 1980s by avid wargamers and military history enthusiasts.
Scuba divers and history enthusiasts now help ensure the integrity of the preserve which is considered an underwater museum.
Sears Homes have become increasingly popular among history enthusiasts because of their sturdy structure, unusual building and architectural design concepts.
Area railroad and history enthusiasts develop rescue plans.