The Liberal Democrats have historically drawn support from wide and "differing social backgrounds".
Geographic districts vary in characteristics but were historically drawn by population percentage and the presence of major natural resources.
In a society of people historically drawn from the world over, immigrants speaking little if any English on arrival relied on trademarks and slogans as recognizable iconography.
His first Regiment was the Devon and Dorsets, an infantry outfit whose soldiers were historically drawn from southwest England.
But California is likely to wield additional clout this time around, altering the dialogue of the contest to issues that have historically drawn little attention.
The Fire have historically drawn an attendance average of over 15,000 fans per game.
Like most states, New Jersey has historically drawn a sharp line between the people who run the prisons and those who decide whether inmates should be released.
The department has historically drawn its recruits from the ranks of former military men accustomed to discipline and self-restraint.
This organization has historically drawn the conservative side of the spectrum of Russians in exile.
Adjusting to the 90's Other industries that have historically drawn wealth to the city also seem to be adjusting to the 90's, more or less successfully.