But the fund warned that American stock prices were currently "at or very near historical peaks."
The population was steadily growing from 1787 until 1971 when it reached its historical peak with 3058 people.
The population of the city of Paris was 2,125,246 at the 1999 census, lower than its historical peak of 2.9 million in 1921.
The total flow was more than the population at its historical peak in the 1830s of 8.5 million.
Party membership reached its historical peak, 51 000.
He died in 1216, leaving the Church at the historical peak of its power.
Revenue levels remain some $20 billion below where they were in 2000, which was a historical peak.
In this period, the port city of Almería reached its historical peak.
With a total of 13 trolleybuses, the Schaffhausen fleet thus reached its historical peak.
Analysts say both measures of the stocks in the S.& P. 500 are near historical peaks.