Bassett began his Senate service in 1831 as a page and after 1860 became widely identified as keeper of the Senate's historical lore.
From him I gleaned some of the region's historical lore, so perhaps I can clarify the chronology of the bridge.
At that time she conducted an interview show, largely devoted to the historical and psychic lore of the region.
The debate may seem tiny, but these fine points matter, and they can be rich with historical lore.
In Bezhin Meadow, the child is named Stepok, departing from the original historical lore and information.
She knew scientific and historical lore of her own and earlier times.
Those already steeped in Babylonian historical lore would recognize the pattern and understand the interpretation of history Berossos was making.
He not only describes what the user of a small telescope will see, but also includes much fascinating astronomical, mythological, and historical lore.
If General Wendall was interested in this bit of historical lore, he gave no sign.
The County's historical lore is rich with stories of the exploits of Andrew Jackson.