Techiman is located at a historical crossroads of trade routes and the Tano River, and serves as capital of the Techiman Municipal district.
Located in Alsace-Lorraine, adjacent to the Franco-German border, Strasbourg has a vibrant, cosmopolitan air that reflects its position at the historical crossroads of Europe.
The visit comes as the North African nation reaches a historical crossroads following the Arab Uprisings.
The couple of years ahead are a historical crossroads, as important to coming generations as the years immediately after World War II were to fixing the scene until now.
As a historical crossroads, many traders, Buddhist missionaries, Sogdian merchants, and pilgrims passed through Shatial leaving behind graffiti and inscriptions on the rocks.
"We stand again at a historical crossroads," he said.
The starting point for the AHDR2004 was that "The Arab world finds itself at a historical crossroads.
The road that leads there necessarily leads through historical crossroads: the elections of Dec. 16, 1990, and our return to Haiti.
The Crossroads "I believe we are at a historical crossroads," he said.
"The country is at a historical crossroads and the Lebanese are invited to resist despite the threats of death."