Some reject the entirety of evolutionary thinking and look instead at historical contingencies, contacts with other cultures, and the operation of cultural symbol systems.
The election of Keir Hardie in 1892 owed more to historical contingency than to a heightened class consciousness among the electorate.
As a consequence, the mind originates almost wholly as a product of learning, and it is the product of a culture that itself evolves by historical contingency.
His approach is marvelous for encouraging a union with God not dependent on historical contingencies.
The set of species that can be present at a given site is limited by historical contingency.
To explain the intellectual polarities by reference to historical contingencies is not necessarily to explain them away.
Another point to be made goes beyond the historical contingencies that may have occasioned its writing to what the text actually treats.
Reviews rethinking on the 1949 Revolution which emphasizes organization and historical contingency.
And this church has been a master of mediation between historical contingency and the eternal - the child, often, of Machiavelli as well as of the Gospel.
It recognized that urban expansion was not haphazard but quite strongly controlled by community-level forces such as land values, zoning ordinances, landscape features, circulation corridors, and historical contingency.