Despite the historical antagonism between Catholics and the Ulster police, complaints are roughly in line with demographics: half from Protestants and 38 percent from Catholics.
Cha wrote this in response to previous research on the subject, which he felt focused too heavily on their respective historical antagonism.
The latter later took the midlands from the Laigin and their historical antagonism is legendary.
Mr. Keegan traces deep-seated historical antagonism between Shiite and Sunni Muslim contingents in the region.
The historical antagonism between this city by the sea and its longtime rival, Madrid, is on the decline.
The cup is used as preparation for the more major spring tournaments, however the historical antagonism between Russian and Ukrainian clubs make the matches hard fought and fans interest very high.
There is widespread belief that the root of the conflict may lie less in ethnic rivalry than in historical antagonism between north and south.
Scores of members of either family have been killed in violent clashes arising from historical antagonism.
In a way, it is a measure of West Germany's pivotal role that Mr. Gorbachev has not allowed historical antagonisms or personal slights to block a revival of relations.
But the relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia is now more complicated than that, shaped in part by complaints by both sides that touch on real historical antagonisms.