The Villa Giulia is one of the historic villas in the city of Naples.
In contains some historic villa areas but is not an extraordinary quarter of preference to live in.
Among the new hotels is Castadiva, a collection of historic villas beside Lake Como.
Inside the walls are numerous historic villas, well preserved examples of the classical period of Ottoman architecture, most built in the early 19th century.
Elegantly restored historic villa in the heart of the gourmet village with just six luxurious rooms and a small shaded garden with swimming pool.
Private rooms are easy to find for €10 euro or less, while opulent historic villas turned into B&Bs run for under €50 (US$71.50).
Villa Hannala is a historic villa in Toppilansaari, Oulu, Finland.
Then the bride wanted a video of her and her husband growing up, produced and projected on an enormous screen in the garden of her historic villa.
Villa Rusciano is an historic villa in the neighbourhood of Florence, central Italy, which includes work by Brunelleschi.
This area is packed with cutesy, historic villas and this vibey little place - popular with amakwêre-kwêre (foreign Africans) - is in one of them.