There is something deeply wrong with copyright law when it restricts access to historic texts by treating them as nothing more than private property for sale.
Indians used the word Yavana in Mahabharata and other historic texts.
They are mentioned in various historic texts, such as a Shakespearean sonnet:
It was constructed according to archeological evidence and historic texts.
In historic texts, "Landvoogd" or "Landvoogdes" in the feminine form is used.
Präsidierender Bürgermeister is now an obsolete formulation sometimes found in historic texts.
It is very likely that Zhu Gaoxu's arrogance, well detailed in many historic texts, offended the emperor.
Kullback brings together all notions of information in his historic text, Information Theory and Statistics.
The landmark's name and a brief historic and descriptive text would be in bright letters on a dark, oxidized background.
The American Heritage Center has also been a leader in digitizing historic texts, photos and recordings.