Renovations occurred over a two year span starting in 1967, and a local historic society began giving occasional tours of the school.
Wrightsville borough has a police department, historic society, and a volunteer fire company.
Al Rose, president of the historic society, praised the plan's determination to preserve not only the neighborhood's bricks and mortar but also its spirit.
The house became the permanent residence of the historic society.
Tickets are $35 each for members of either historic societies, $40 for nonmembers.
Payne continued throughout his career to build the institution of the church, establishing literary and historic societies and encouraging order.
A good source is a local historic or preservation society.
The approach works well where continuity can be demonstrated but is less useful in regions where significant differences between prehistoric and historic societies are known.
No plans were announced and several historic societies were looking into preservation efforts but nothing was ever solidified.
Most historic societies earned their livliehood from working the land.