It closed in 1989 and, despite efforts of historic preservationists, has been demolished.
Almost none of the complaints raised by historic preservationists were addressed.
The building owner had closed the restaurant and historic preservationists were concerned with the future of the artwork.
Historic preservationists wanted to reuse the building as a possible park and retail center.
Historic preservationists, he observed, were wrong in assuming the glass canopy would turn attention away from the building.
However, a coalition of Federal judges and local historic preservationists rallied to save it.
The board arrived at the decision despite protests by many members of the community, including architects, historic preservationists, and urban planners.
Historic preservationists have been unwilling to participate in a compromise strategy.
The prospect has neighbors, historic and architectural preservationists ready to wage a battle of protest.
Historic preservationists, descendants of those buried in the 18th-century graveyard and other project supporters are skeptical.