The population reached then its historic peak with 768 inhabitants.
This is a decline from the historic peak of 12.5 million seen in 2007.
And the Dow Jones transportation average reached a historic peak.
The stock market observed the anniversary of its historic peak with a broad decline.
The reason is not sales, which are well below their historic peak; rather, it is refinancing.
Those polls indicate overwhelming support here for doing whatever is necessary to save the salmon, which are running at a fraction of their historic peaks.
But Catholic schools' enrollment was charging toward its historic peak, and by 1965 would reach 5.6 million students.
Worldwide per capita oil production reaches a historic peak.
Oil's historic peak was $34, at which price large-scale conservation and new production was spurred.
He benefited from the economic boom Connecticut enjoyed during the 1980s when the state's job growth was at a recent historic peak.