The Violence Against Women Act is a historic partnership involving states, communities, professionals, families and the Federal Government.
Startup America also represents a historic partnership with business leaders, investors, universities, foundations, and non-profits, and we're urging others to join them in this effort.
The arrangement is a historic partnership between a non-profit, private conservation organization and an indigenous landholder.
This historic public-private partnership is designed to assist MBEs navigate the international marketplace as it relates to competing for construction contracts.
"This global compact has the potential to become an historic partnership," the chairman and chief executive of Nike, Philip H. Knight, said.
It sets the seal on an historic partnership - one not without some strains- between the architect and the Government and people of New South Wales.
The International Space Station was built in a historic partnership with the Russians.
The White House announced "a historic new partnership aimed at strengthening U.S. competitiveness by developing technologies for a new generation of vehicles."
In the Moscow speech, he laid out a vision of a historic partnership between our two countries.
Mr President, there can be no doubt that the EU-Russia Summit provides a great opportunity for a historic partnership.