The film was produced at Cricklewood Studios using a mixture of historic footage and filmed recreations of events in a docudrama format.
Weber uses these moments in the present as bookends to the historic footage contained in the bulk of the film.
The film combines rare historic footage, animated flashbacks, and family photographs to illustrate the horrors she experienced.
This documentary goes behind the scenes of the campaign and features unique historic footage of three election-night counts in Edinburgh.
Radok never shows blood or lets a gun fire in his story, but the historic footage he integrates into the film achieves a sense of terror.
These were all recorded on film, but sadly the present whereabouts of this historic footage is unknown.
"We won't immerse our historic footage in his chemical baths, the ingredients of which he keeps secret."
Interspersed is contemporary footage of different areas of Detroit shot by the filmmakers, and clips of historic footage.
Any second now you'll be seeing the first historic footage of Alex's landfall.
The 1932 movie, F.P.1, features short historic footage of the flight of the Do X.